Wednesday, 25 November 2015

Spirit of the Olympics

As we have been looking at the Ancient and Modern Olympic games, I have been thinking about the 'spirit' of the games.

What is it that make the Olympics so special?

Why does it feel so emotional?

Why do people care so much?

What does it mean to people?
I would like you to look for answers to these questions. They could be your own answers or someone else's.

Can anyone find a picture which they believe encapsulates the 'spirit' of the Olympics?


  1. What makes the Olympics so special is that they are a once in a lifetime opportunity for all people to see live.
    It would feel emotional because it is someone from your own nation who has devoted himself and worked so hard.
    It means a lot to people and because it occurs once every four years it is a significant event. The Olympic rings would be an iconic that encapsulates the spirit of the Olympics.

  2. Thank you for commenting on this post.
    What do you think the 'spirit of the Olympics' means?
