Friday 5 February 2016

Descriptive Writing Homework

You must use your best descriptive language to say what you see in this picture. Read your work aloud before posting.
Image result for descriptive writing picture


  1. The ground was aflame, the scarlet trees a riot of red and gold. The branches loomed over the passerby's head, forming a bridge to idyll paradise. The leaves showed amity as they knotted and looped with each other; omission chased into the darkness. The people walking past would be wearing cream, brown and grey, misunderstanding the beauty of the glowing forest.

  2. I was walking through the dreaded park I could hear the leaves rustling on the floor it was crunch after crunch after crunch. I knew I could not trust that raged old lady. She is trying to kill me I can feel it I have the feeling that someone is creeping up on me this very second. I carried on walking then I saw a tunnel leading to a cave I decided to go into the cave.

  3. Lub dub, lub dub. My heart was pounding out of my chest . The air was cold and frosty, and the leaves were crisp and vibrant . I'd covered my tracks carefully , being cautious that I wasn't being followed . It was silent , not one thing could be heard but the leaves gracefully dancing to the floor in harmony to the cold , gentle wind. SNAP! I immediately knew I wasn't alone. I could see nothing but the vibrant orange leaves and the oak brown squirrels hopping from tree to tree. In the distance, by the dark green bushes near the bench, I spotted a dubious figure in black, watching me like a hawk! I ran. Crunch, went the leaves as my feet trod on the leave coated floor. Suddenly , I tripped over a gargantuan dirt brown root(tree root) and fell to the muddy floor. A figure stepped out. All went black....!

  4. The forest of trees has a calm and inviting air. The golden trees on the leaves coat the floor in superior style. It was beautiful. The mahogany, almond colour reminded me of the rich. Although covered: rays of sunlight shone through the canopy of the forest. A fox, with hazel brown eyes peers at me suspiciously. The foliage, rotting away rustles in the gentle breeze. All was well.

  5. In this picture I can see some tall brown trees with beautiful crimson red leaves. I can also see evergreen trees with forest green leaves. The ground is brown and muddy and ,because it is autumn, it is covered in leaves a light shade of ruby and a deep shade of bronze.

  6. I can see a rustic,gold landscape draped in a fine cloth of the seasonal autumn touch.Sucking you into a mega vortex of colour.

  7. The autumn leaves fell down elegantly like a ballerina dancing swan lake. Cold, barren streets are covered with these thousand of little leaves just waiting to be stepped on. The trees are vulnerable due to the freezing weather just waiting to turn it to ice. Many trees are jealous as they lost their fragile leaves looking at the stronger,healthier trees who still have their leaves. The abandoned bench was sitting there having a chat with frigid trees. The healthy trees started picking on the other trees as if they were punk band in leather jackets.

  8. The golden carpet of leaves crunched beneath stomping feet. The wind whistled and whirled, biting and singing. The stooping figures of the darkened trees held up their swaying naked branches. Yet, inside these hollow giants, sits a dray of squirrels waiting for their sleeping beauty moment: their hibernation.

  9. The orange leaves fell as Autumn began to start. The oak brown trees with orange sunset coloured leaves looked magnificent at day or night as if you are looking into a magical place with a dazzling sunset.

  10. Under the tall, beaten trees lay a blanket of orange and yellow. The twisted oaks grew higher than a mountain. Beams of light shone the old, dainty leaves, whilst others rot in the soil. Little creatures trotted up and down, delicate birds sang soothing melodies just like an orchestra. The smell of poisonous berries filled my nose and so did the decay wood. The dark chestnut bark rubbed my soft skin, the calm breeze brushed through my rough hair.

  11. Brown and orange leaves covered the soft Autumn ground. Dampness invaded my nostrils. The twisty oak trees hung over me. Everything was becoming more beautiful as sunset fell. Birds sung happily on the winding branches of the trees. Autumn was coming.

  12. Sunset had always been my favourite time of day. Autumn had always been my favourite time of year. So that just happened to be the time of day and year when I was walking through the woods on that particular day. The leaves were a fiery mixture of colours, red, orange and gold. There was a cold touch about the day: I could see my breath and my hads felt like they would never be able to move again. I love it when that happens. The sun's phoenix rays cast out over the sky, making the clouds go a delicate shade of bubblegum. The ancient trees were a twisted brown, their trunks too wide for me to hug.

  13. The enormous trees loomed over everything in sight and the branches swayed from side to side like when someone is on a swing. The colour of the leaves was a beautiful coral, apricot, flame. There was no one around so everything was peaceful and everywhere you looked, was a magnificent scenery.

  14. The auburn leaves were scattered across the path making it look like somebody had spread marmalade on toast ( which is the path ). The dazzling sight became even more picturesque as the sunset came to take its place. The bare trees were the only things that were disappointments.

  15. Sunset scintillated through the supple branches of the ebony trees. The leathery leaves hugging them were a fiery mixture of oranges, crimsons and golds. The phoenix rays of the sun spread through the sky, making the fluffy clouds go a delicate shade of blossom. The air was cold and clear, and all words spoken would come out in a trail of silver mist, dispersing into the world. I could feel a freshly baked cookie in my coat pocket along with a warm loaf of bread in my bag. I noticed a few spiderwebs, hanging from the trees delicately but precariously. They were covered with twinkling droplets of water from the melted morning frost. I had never seen a sight so beautiful.

  16. I woke up and the breeze brushed my face like my mother comforting when I’m ill. The smell of old, golden leaves fluttering to the ground floated up my nose as I rolled over. The branches stroked me like witches fingers cursing me. I could hear something small and fast run across a pile of leaves, I think it was a squirrel but I’m still not sure. The fresh air flew down my throat as the world turned into Autumn.

  17. It was Autumn once again. The leaves were splashed across with an earth-like color with a mix of red and orange. Twisted and crooked, the trees oscillated in the seasonal breeze The forest floor littered with fallen, withering leaves that if you walked all over them, they would crackle and crunch under your shoes or boots.These fragile leaves came from all different diversities of trees. The supple willow, the common oak, colorful conifers and the red maple trees which create a thriving atmosphere down below.

  18. An army of leaves lay on the floor blocking the path that use to have just a carpet of grass.More and more leaves continued to fall from the weak trees.A bright light from the sun shined at the leaves.The start of a big day was coming.

  19. The beige leaves cascade from the warned-out trees. The morning breeze has made them stumble over one another as they lie on the soggy ground. It has settled into autumn by now. However, winter is coming even quicker. The branches are being carried in the direction of the wind and now the hidden sticks and twigs are becoming visible in the atmosphere. The cracks of the wooden contents startle my ear drums nearly every time. The smell of a new leaf is becoming ever so close as if it is already a new year. It makes me, effectively, feel like a new person.

  20. The trees started to lose their leaves. The amber leaves showing that a new season is starting. The floor being replaced by a dusting of orange leaves. Trees in the distance standing tall and strong. The sun looked shining down at me.

  21. I slowly walked into the vast autumn forest during sunrise. Not a word was to be spoken. I stared up into the beautiful bright shining golden ball in the sky, rising from the darkness of this planet and awakening a new sort of sky-lit horizon which no-one in this world had ever seen. I was dumbfounded. The trees swayed gently in the soft breeze; the golden brown leaved crunched beneath my feet as I came closer and closer to the sight. The trees towered over me like skyscrapers and the atmosphere of this orchard looked as dazzling and gorgeous as the dawning sun.

    Finally the the light was cleared and the normal sun rose from its slumber, giving a sign that now the day had come to a start.

  22. The exquisite sun made an eye-catching silhouette of the trees. Leaves- amber, cardinal and apricot coloured leaves, lay there creating an enticing view.The soft trilling of birds made the woods enlighten. A breeze of frostiness passed by and the trees waved in time. One small head always cropped up in the bushes and shrubs, it was a squirrel, it scampered off for a few seconds.Once luscious, the grass had turned into an arid and dried colour. The sweet smell of honey drifted everywhere, filling the woods with a joyful scent.

  23. A blanket of flaming, orange leaves covered the cold grounds as Autumn came. A swift, chilly breeze swept - turning the leaves round and round. There was a fresh scent of nature and birds chirping could be heard. The astonishingly, beautiful sunset brings all photographers to the park.

  24. The crimson leaves lay on the soggy ground. A breeze swept across the park. Autumn has come. The trees loomed over the cold ground, keeping the leaves cool. The birds sang tunefully on the bare trees. At last the sun began to set.

  25. The leaves were dressed in their suits of red and gold. A brisk wind circled me as a cold spark ran down my spine. The ground was a writhing carpet of buzzing, crawling insects. The branches twisted and grated against each other like rusty hinges. The majestic trees stood tall and proud.

  26. Orange orange everywhere

    The trees swayed in the soft cool breeze and the beautiful leaves covered the ground. A small tornado of leaves flew as I could feel the wind down my spine which made me shiver.
    Eyes peered through the bushes, the sound of whispers filled the air with suspense. Someone was spying on me.

  27. A rug of dark orange leaves covers the thick grass. Monsters lurk in the shadow. The sun is filtered through the amber leaves on the chestnut brown trees. There is a glimpse of green grass just beyond the trees. Moss grows on the dry tree trunks. the twigs of the trees reach out like witch fingers

  28. Tall, elegant trees loomed down on me, sprinkling their autumn leaves. The breezy wind whipped violently across my face making me quiver. I could hear the birds humming tunes to attract others. It was pitch black all around me. Shadows crept around and I felt frightened. The golden blanket of autumn leaves rustled as I strolled cautiously. I was in the deep, deserted undergrowth- the woods. There was nobody there except me.

  29. Mahogany boughs stretched out around me, amber leaves of flame danced in a twirl to the ground. A golden carpet lays itself down magically in front of me, every second thickening it. Birds sing in harmony and my eyes twinkle in fascination. I feel something I haven't felt in a long time - a smile. It spreads round my face until it's an almighty grin. Holy beams of shining sunlight sprays itself through a mush of orange and scarlet-red into every nook and cranny it seep into like a contagious happy disease. A swift breeze sweeps across my face like a hand across my cheek. I am alone. I am happy.
