Thursday 11 February 2016

Half Term Descriptive Writing

At least three paragraphs about this scene.


  1. The thunder boomed, making me skip a heart beat. Its bright light blinded my precious eyes. Dark,gloomy clouds over took the sky, like a battle between good and evil. Although it was windy, the old trees stood there, their eyes watching my every move and their long, cutting nails waiting to grab me. The glass was unwashed, revolting and dead.

    Rustling, the bushes stiffly danced in the tune of the howling wind. The rotting steps creaked, even without someone taking on slight step on it. As the lightning growled, the uneven curtains swished madly, I didn't dare to touch it. The grass was the size of mountains, my small shivering feet, couldn't be seen. The blood-curling house, sent shivers down my fragile spine.

    The ominous dark hallway, was full of sorrow and suffering. No light could be spotted. Slowly walking, the air caught fire to me heart and lungs, the smell of poo and smoke was spread all around me.

  2. The thunder boomed, making me skip a heart beat. Its bright light blinded my precious eyes. Dark,gloomy clouds over took the sky, like a battle between good and evil. Although it was windy, the old trees stood there, their eyes watching my every move and their long, cutting nails waiting to grab me. The glass was unwashed, revolting and dead.

    Rustling, the bushes stiffly danced in the tune of the howling wind. The rotting steps creaked, even without someone taking on slight step on it. As the lightning growled, the uneven curtains swished madly, I didn't dare to touch it. The grass was the size of mountains, my small shivering feet, couldn't be seen. The blood-curling house, sent shivers down my fragile spine.

    The ominous dark hallway, was full of sorrow and suffering. No light could be spotted. Slowly walking, the air caught fire to me heart and lungs, the smell of poo and smoke was spread all around me.

  3. Oh no. Oh no. Oh no no no. This... is my Aunt's house? I... I must have read the map wrongly. How d- but my voice trailed away. There was no point speaking when I couldn't hear myself: the howl of the wind, the hiss of lightning and the growl of thunder were too much to compete with. I knew that map was dodgy. The covered up moon was still shining its beams towards me through the bruised clouds as if they were arms. I shivered. There was no going back now. The windows of the mansion were cracked, but it looked like they were broken by something other than the weather. The building, apart from the windows, was quite alright though. There was just a little greying of the walls, some broken bits of terrace, a dying garden, and black mould everywhere. Yeah, maybe this house isn't alright at all. I opened the screeching gate and through the open door. But I stopped dead on the threshold. Had the door been open when I was looking at the house? The trees in the garden seemed to be growing towards the house, making a little cocoon of branches. This was too creepy. Slowly, I stepped into the house. Once I turned into the lounge, I realised that this WAS my aunt's house. And the kitchen explained it all. The broken windows- wouldn't anyone need to have a breeze in their house if they had a thick layer of fur? Why would someone tend to their dying garden when the second they came out they wood be shot? Suddenly, a low growl built up behind me. Now I just had to convince my Aunt that I wasn't her dinner...

  4. The house looked like if it was haunted as the bright ominous lightning struck it. The trees and flowers were dead and smelled of death; they were gloomy and looked depressed. I could hear a step creaking and felt anxious

  5. I looked up. In front of me loomed a gargantuan castle probably home to ghosts, ghouls and all sorts of other eerie creatures. It was unfortunate that I was only wearing a jacket, jeans, shoes and socks. The wind howled like a pack of wolves, all waiting for their dinner. As I ventured forward I noticed that an intertwining of withered foliage was blocking my path. I said a quick prayer and then charged to the bushes. At each leaf there were about seven sharp points on each one and it felt like they were aimed at my heart.

    My heart was pounding in my chest at double pace. The Goosebumps on my skin prickled up. As the bush is getting closer I prepare my legs for a jump. Three… Two…..One……JUMP! I had made it in one piece. I brushed the dirt off myself than looked ahead, for the second time. This place had a feeling of impending doom. The only noises I heard were the intermittent creaks and squeaks. I walked up to the steps. This was it. Like a ghost train, only a thousand times worse. I instantly regretted that dare with the class bully, Bertie.

    I pulled open the door. Creeeeeeaaaaaakkkkkkkkkkk! It went. There were a few shattered windows. I am in! I see the steps and I am instantly reminded of David Balfour, only there aren’t any windows. I feel my way up and I jumped out of my skin until I realised it was the stone of the stairs. Slowly, but gradually I keep going. A small opening of light spurs me on to go even further. Soon I reach it. Too tired to care, I wrenched open the door. A man, not a zombie, sprang out and grasped me. I had to find my way out! Surely there was a way. As I thought of escape routes the man bound me in ropes.

    “I’ll be having you!” said the man, “so wait there,” he growled. That was his mistake. Then I checked my jacket pocket and felt a USB. My Swiss Army Knife. Without further ado, I slashed myself free and made a run for it.

    “You little!” but I didn’t want to hear him. I ran to the nearby, disused train station, touched in with my Oyster, hopped on a train, away from that disastrous place I had a ghastly encounter with. I’d be sure to tel my parents about this place, all right.

  6. Chapter 13

    Whoosh, bang, hiss, scream. Wait...? Did I just hear a scream? Where did that come from? A chill spread down my spine like someone had cracked an egg on the back of my neck. Thunder growled and lightning burned through my stinging eyes. OK... hold up. Yes, this is the author of the story speaking here. Just... I've stopped the story for a moment, because I need you to know something. This setting isn't my imagination. It is where I am, right now. This book - which I have been writing for along time and am now on chapter 13 - is becoming my diary rather than a story. My husband banned me from the house for... reasons, and the only place in the woods I found was this deserted mansion. The windows are smashed and the floorboards are rotting away, just like my blackened heart. My health is dying, lungs collapsing on one another.

    This place seemed to be cursed with a permanent storm. Every day I wake up to hear the rain drumming on my feeble windows, and I hear the dead garden swishing to the music of the wind... Two dark, weeping willows stand outside, their bony fingers reaching to the ground.

    1:00 am, 29th feb, 2013
    I just heard a noise. Someone is trying the handle of my door. Oh no. I left it unlocked. I am going to hide under the covers now, I will be back later...

    Somewhere far, far away, a man sat sipping coffee in his kitchen, reading the newspaper, when he was shocked to see his wife's smiling face on the cover. The title read:
    Woman found dead and alone in stormy mansion.
    The man dropped the man dropped the glass where it smashed on the floor.

    Suddenly, he heard someone trying the handle of his door...

  7. It was as if the heavens were being torn apart by the jagged spears of lightning-the thunder howling their pain. The wind was ferocious. It screamed over the house and beat like a fist against the roof. Drops the size of bullets hammered at the shattered windows.

    Branches stuck out like bony, witches fingers. Rotting leaves hid the roots which wriggled across the ground. The dark green shrubs contained small, delicate leaves which flew around violently.

    The house was majestic yet vaguely eerie. It was covered by a coat of bleak, grey, slightly-scratched off paint. Uneven steps led up to a tall door with a rickety, bronze door knob. The circular windows stared like eyes with pools of poison.

  8. I am entering the dark gloomy road. I can see the soft mushy trees and the mouldy shrubs. it is feeling like my surroundings are crawling in to my soul and poisoning it

    I look up. I can see dark clouds just waiting for meto sand under them. The lightning is as bright as the brightest scene in heaven.

    I looked down again I could see the dark gloomy dome roof towering above me. as I slowly look down I can see some patterns underneath the dome and two dirty round windows.
    I can see two roves one of them has a big black hole in it it looks like someone had tried to beak in. the other roof was dry and smoky.

    I look lower and I can see the smashed windows I don't think that anyone lives here. the cone shaped roof above me. I can see the wooden door in front of me.

  9. The flashes of lightning tore across the pitch black sky. It where as if they were whips, striking the sea of black. If you closed your eyes, you could hear the thunder booming, rolling in all it's anguish. The smell of charred trees (victims of the whips) haunted the air.

    The trees hung limp and unstirring: there was not the slightest breath of wind to move them. They set a dark and depressing mood that clung to any passers by. They were the colour of tar and smelt of a fireplace at Christmas; they gave off thick, black plumes of smoke that lined one's mouth and lungs.

    Hidden in amongst this forest of trees stood a castle. Not the type of castle that five year old girls dream of but the type of castle you might see in your nightmares. The whole building was smothered in cobwebs and cloaked in dust and it smelt damp as well as rotten. The paint was so old that the slightest touch would cause it to flake. Also, if you listened carefully, you could hear the armies of termites chomping away at the decayed wood.

  10. Grey, infuriated, prowling puffs roamed the sky like lions - the thunder it's roar, the lightning it's bite. Tears of fury smashed into what you might call grass [a scribble of deep green and revolting, sweltering maroon] . The tears were the sky's pain - for even the sky in it's almighty greyness mourned to be there.

    Drooping trees stretched their dead limbs as much as they could away from it. But powerful surges of cackling wind would always send them back to the wretched spot that they would be doomed to suffer in for as long they lived. Fortunately, considering the conditions, that wouldn't be very long...

    An eerie aurora swirled in mist towards the evilness the whispering hill possessed.The exact hill upon which the manor stood. Looming, blue turrets towered over the mountain of blackness it ruled over. Cracked, musty windows shook in the overwhelming wind. At the centre, a single scarlet-red door stood and in shining golden letters, spelled the words:
    ' Murdstone Manor '

  11. Over the dark withered house stood bare trees like witches hands. The trees as black as ashes scratched against the aged bricks of the gloomy house.

    Silver lined clouds gathered forming a scenario above the haunted house as gusts of wind smash rain against the pane of glass.

    Peering through the cracked window stood an old woman, with chalk white skin, wearing a long white robe beckoning me to come closer....

  12. The rain would hit against my skin, pounding against the floor I couldn't hear my own footsteps. The occasional thunder would alarm me, my steps wobbly and my breath hitched. Dusky, ashen clouds would accent the spine-chilling house, which would lean in towards me, acting as though a livid head teacher scolding an immoral child. It would remind me of the many times I was sent to my head teacher, cowering alone in the eerie room.

    The illuminated moon would act as an angel emerging from the skies amongst the dense-looking fog, the only light for miles. Thanks to the pacific wind, I managed to hear faint moans, screams and cries of what once was - the ghosts that were rumoured to occupy the booming building.

    My silhouette would trail behind me, quivering and falling on the muddy grass. Crystal tears would pool in my eyes as I fell down, scraping my wrist against a sharp shard of glass: the windows were broken, most looking like they had been punched.

    A two dead oak trees would stand on either side of the looming tower, branches drooping low, brushing against the floor. However, the hedges would look like it had been recently watered, worrying me that someone still lived in this hell-like mess.

  13. The mansion from my nightmare

    There's a mansion in front of the house. It sends a spine tingling feeling down my spine every time I look at it. Sometime I see vague,dubious shadows or figures through the windows. I'm not sure if this is reality or if I'm only dreaming. Most windows were shattered and all window sills were occupied by neither ravens,crows or blackbirds. The crows cackled and the blackbirds squawked. I could even hear them the the window I have in my room.

    The look of the manor from the outside look like a haunted, ghostly house from a horror movie or one of your worst nightmares come to life. It's even worst at night when the lights are switched off the house comes to life. Rats and rodents scuttle up and into the cracks and crevices of the skeleton of the possessed manor in front of the house.

    As the wind passed through the half smashed window of the abandoned mansion, it made a howling noise which echoed through the remains of what I think used to be a great home for a wealthy and prosperous person until it was deserted by the owners of the property. The smell of decaying wood and the scent of decomposing, expired food filled the air.

  14. Lightning struck fiercely down from the sky. Stone graves stood still as the body lay dormant under the compost. The churchyard was as silent as the dead. Not a sound- except the howling of the wolves- was heard.

    As the mist started to fade, a huge silhouette appeared from the shadows until it was visible enough to be seen. What stood before you was a huge mansion so old wretched and creaky that if you lay a finger on it, it may collapse! It has known to be a place of despair and sadness, fright and fear. Legend only knows why this mansion was abandoned thousands of years ago.

    This huge spooky house was located right in the middle of Aston Churchyard. The most horrifying place ever known to mankind. Inside this horrible mansion, are lengthy dark halls covered with cobwebs everywhere. So many webs that once you enter, you cannot find your way out again. It is dreadful.

    However, it is also stated that a treasure is hidden in this mansion. Legend has it that if a person manages to find this treasure, they will have all they want to desire and would have become the first ever person to be courageous enough to actually dare to look inside Ashton's Tower. And will be remembered throughout history.

  15. I feel a gasping pain in my mouth as my tongue, unpleasantly, connects with my teeth. I stand before, what looks like, a haunted house but I knew that it wasn't abandoned.

    The decayed trees' branches are catching my eyes as they reach out to me trying to fill me with the fear that has already passed by. The rotting taste nearly makes me throw up, but I didn't. I can't risk the chance of someone whose attention I could've caught by doing something I can control.

    I see the cracks and holes in the house which were caused by the striking lightning. I now see the lashes of the substance still stunning the house with it's ungraceful shootings. The sight astounds me and I smell a sense of death and fatality which seems to bore me instead of scaring me.


  16. It was a dark, stormy night on Friday the 13th of November. The Northwest Manor stood tall in the middle of nowhere. The wind howled in the dead of the night as clock rang grievously. Fear roamed around the building as the lightning broke lose breaking the windows of the vacated houses. Not a single light was on.

    Spirits busted out of each and every room of the house screaming horrifically, letting petrrification roam in the air. The crows hawked and circled the Manor. The sky's rage was inevitable and it roared like it was laughing. Thunder dominated the sky, creating more and more damage to the house.

    The clouds turn from grey to twilight fog as the storm got worse. There was an ear-splitting sound coming from the crows. The windows shattered and the thunderstorm kept on raging angrily. The dome on the loft glistened menacingly in the moonlight. The devastation of the forest fires stood out next to the Northwest Manor.

  17. I walked up to the spooky castle. The path was broken and the gates creaked open and the thunder rumbled overhead. The dead trees violently swayed side to side. Above me was the dark, thundery sky. The dust on the windows blocked the view on the inside and the wind howled.

    Most of the windows were broken. I cautiously walk inside. The candles on the walls flicker, I am surprised that they are still burning. The floorboards creak when I stood on them. It seems as if the stairs are never ending as I climb them.

    Suddenly the candles go out. The carpet is green with purple diamonds. The walls are painted blood red. It was probably blood because it was wet and when I touched it the colour went onto my fingers. I heard the howling of the wolves.

  18. I could hear deafening screeches of a bird in the distance trying to burst my eardrums. The wind was cursing and dead spirit were whispering pessimistic hopes. I could here children creaming for help and suddenly dead silence. Creak went the rusty metal on the rusty swing which was rocking. I could hear my heart pounding out of my chest.

    I could feel the cold wind slapping my face violently and hope gradually slipping away. I could feel an evil feeling trickling down my spine making me feel uncomfortable. I felt lonely and scared.

    I could see an abandoned, ancient, shattered house which looked haunted. I could see dirty smashed glass covered in red dried blood. I could see thin twisted oak trees which looked like witch's fingers. I could see dark clouds and black skies filled with rage and thunder , and I could see my life about to disappear.....

  19. The wild wind hits the dilapidated building. The mist covers the ground, hiding the nettles and spikes. Thunder rumbles and lightning hits the ground. A smoky smell drifts around.

    I hear rustling in the bushes. A fox swiftly runs from one bush to the other and then runs off quickly. The wind blows back my dark hair and I hear faint rattling.

    The rattling is coming from the house. I slowly walk forward, the leaves crunching underneath my feet. There is a loose plank on the flooring - the noise must be coming from there.

  20. Pushing the heavy gates open, the touch of iron bars as cold as ice, seized up my hand completely. Even though I could feel the strong wind trying to blow me away, I carried on up the path. One lonesome, leafless oak tree stood by the house swaying in the horrible breeze as the moon glimmered in the darkness, it was the only source of light that could be seen from miles. Owls hooted and flew over my head, their silhouettes passing over the grass.

    The air was cold and numb and with every breath I drew a misty, chilly exhale followed. As the house drew nearer everything around me became quieter and more distant. The trees murmuring couldn't be heard anymore and the cold
    iron gates were far, far back in the distance. Owls couldn't be heard anymore and there were no leaves on the ground, just some aged concrete steps, and a doorway that stood in front of me.

    The windows rattled vigorously from the howling wind, as though they were about to fall out of the frames which were made from rotting wood being eaten away by wood worm. A few potted plants lay next to the door, once there for neat presentation now wilted and brown, almost certainly dead. The door had been left ajar perhaps for many years, or maybe someone was already in there.

  21. One Halloween a boy named Tim wanted to go to the scariest place that his sister could imagine. His sister (called Zoe) said "I will not take to a scary place only for trick or treating"
    Tim was really angry ; he was going to take all his friends. That day Tim and Zoe only went trick or treating.

    After they had finished trick or treating they went back home but Tim heard a noise it was mumbled so Tim could not hear what it was saying. He wanted to investigate. He left Zoe without her realising. He sweped the bushes out the way and there it was a haunted house.

    Tim looked at it and thought why haven't I seen this before he was shocked to see the house in the middle of nowhere Tim crept to the door knob and twisted it...

  22. One Halloween a boy named Tim wanted to go to the scariest place that his sister could imagine. His sister (called Zoe) said "I will not take to a scary place only for trick or treating"
    Tim was really angry ; he was going to take all his friends. That day Tim and Zoe only went trick or treating.

    After they had finished trick or treating they went back home but Tim heard a noise it was mumbled so Tim could not hear what it was saying. He wanted to investigate. He left Zoe without her realising. He sweped the bushes out the way and there it was a haunted house.

    Tim looked at it and thought why haven't I seen this before he was shocked to see the house in the middle of nowhere Tim crept to the door knob and twisted it...

  23. One Halloween a boy named Tim wanted to go to the scariest place that his sister could imagine. His sister (called Zoe) said "I will not take to a scary place only for trick or treating"
    Tim was really angry ; he was going to take all his friends. That day Tim and Zoe only went trick or treating.

    After they had finished trick or treating they went back home but Tim heard a noise it was mumbled so Tim could not hear what it was saying. He wanted to investigate. He left Zoe without her realising. He sweped the bushes out the way and there it was a haunted house.

    Tim looked at it and thought why haven't I seen this before he was shocked to see the house in the middle of nowhere Tim crept to the door knob and twisted it...

  24. The wind blew the door, making a screeching sound. Broken windows let in the air. Lightning illuminated the interior. Another one cause an enormous hole in the ceiling. The brambly bushes acted as a moat backing off anyone that comes in its way. The trees looked like witches moving. This Gothic styled house would give someone nightmares if they just looked at it.

    A black tail came out of the bushes. While a huge bird was looking inside the house. Rectangular windows dominated the house while the circular window where only on the sides of the attic. The attic was pitch black at any time. The dark, grey clouds created an ominous background.

    There was only one patch of brightness was behind the building. Many said it was haunted.Inside many ghost and ghouls, vampires and mummies. Although they don't make any noise. The building was on a very steep hill where there was no beautiful life. It is a deserted
    building nobody wants.

  25. The grey stone building looked down on the gloomy trees as if they were peasants. The slanted slate roof was symmetrical on either side of the central tower. The dome shaped roof resembles a woolly hat. The round portholes are the eyes of the central tower, they look among the bushes. The frosted windows reflect little light. The broken windows let in the harsh wind. The evergreen bushes lay still as if they were dead.

    The shadowy trees are spectating the fight between the wind and what once used to be a house. The grey clouds are bursting with white beams of light. The clouds look majestically painting like. The dome on the top of the building stands waiting to be hit by lightning.

  26. The wind was so vicious that the trees were battling to stay standing. It was crashing against the old cracked glass which eventually shattered. The rustling of dead leaves pooled around the front steps. The dead branches from the trees banged against the moldy side of the walls of the haunted house.

    Lightning was the only light for miles as it crashed and banged making the rustic old rooftop get burned. The booming thunder was so loud it made the windows shatter and break. The dark gloomy clouds gathered like a FBI crime scene, it was so crazy that the clouds were rushing around and the lightning was slicing through the last layer of roof.

    The stairs were cracked, slippery and bugs were crawling around so when you walk your covered in flies, mosquitoes and spiders.

  27. The ominous, horrifying mansion stood still like a giant towering over tiny people. Lightning blared ever so loudly as the trees chaotically swaying in the wind. There were hundreds of branches on the trees like hands waiting to grab you.
    The powdery clouds filled the gloomy night sky.
    The abandoned, deserted, terrifying mansion had cracked windows as if someone had thrown lots of bricks into the house.
    Some of the abnormal steps that lead up to the devious mansion were missing and there was a half-destroyed chimney barely letting out any smoke into the air. Some of the wood at the top of the mansion was strangely missing.

  28. I walked up the path and heard the thunder roll into my ears as the lightning flashed above the pointy, petrifying building. It was so frightening that I thought there were ghosts laughing at me. The clouds were growling at me like they were angry. The cracked windows were teeth ready to gnaw.
    The smell of danger drifted up my nose as the door spat it out of the house. The danger in the house was breathing; coming out but going back in. I tried so hard to bite the fear out of my tongue, it was distracting me, scaring me. The spiral steps lured me up.
    The terrifying trees sneered at me as I crept past them but no leaves soothed my skin. I was scared, really scared. The bushes were as gloomy as the depths of a forest yet I still staggered on. I wanted to get away from these scary creatures but I didn't want to meet the danger lingering for me in the haunted house.

  29. The zaps of lightning created a horrific picture on the sky. The mansion was lofty.There was always something ominous around the building. Rumours about a girl screaming for help were spread around our town We could always see the gargantuan mansion looming our small town from the hilltop. It creaked monotonously, it felt like it would capitulate on

    Wolves would always howl at night. Somehow the darkness seemed to keep in the house. There was always gloominess around the mansion. The wind whistled and the ghostly choir joined in. Twigs cracked. It seemed that there was always someone behind you, reaching to snatch your soul.

    Inside there are always candles lit, they never show outside, it's like the light is afraid to come out.An ear-splitting screech is let out by a abhorrent creature from outside. I dashed outside but I could only see orange feathers drifting down...

  30. The thunder smashed the roof of the gloomy dark mansion. The trees were rotten as if they have not been watered.

    The bushes were directed at the mansion and they would hear anything in its range.

    The mansion was made of birch and stone. It had broken windows and the roof broken in a way that it looked liked somebody robbed the place.

  31. The night i got up i was cold it was dark so i could not see a thing but what i could make out a man in the distins.As i looked away and then looked back at where i thourt i saw a man their was no one their.I got out off bed and stood up i put my slipers on and tipetoud down the houeway.I opened the front door and stood out side.Even though I could feel the strong wind trying to blow me away, I carried on up the path.

  32. The trees waved violently and there was a unexpected strike of lightening against the shattered windows. For one moment I thought that I’d glimpsed a mysterious, ghostly figure lurking in the haunted house. It had an aquiline nose, thin, crooked lips, a black furry moustache and long hair that curled at its own accord. I was paralysed with fear. Trying to focus again, I couldn’t see anything: the figure had vanished.

    An unwelcoming chill ran down my spine spreading throughout my body threatening me that I must go back home unharmed but a part of my body reassured me that I was fine. A silvery mist surrounded the abandoned house. The grey clouds encircled me, making me quiver! I tensed that there was some peril waiting for me or my envious enemy had concealed a terrible trap.

    When I had observed the house in moonlight, I spotted that it was leaning towards one side. It could have been a witch’s house. I saw something twitching. Suddenly, a colony of bloodthirsty bats poured out of the humongous house. Their evil eyes scrutinized me, staring suspiciously. Everything went pitch black ...

  33. The lightning came again.The doors creaked as the open windows let the wind get inside of the mansion.I could feel my heart beating really fast.The branches fell off the trees.The wolves howled at the top of a nearby mountain.They gave me a shock.I continued to move closer and closer towards the mansion.I touched the handle of the door then went in.

    It was dark inside the mansion, I could barely see a thing.I kept on thinking that something was going to come out of nowhere and give me a huge fright.In the distance, I could see a light.Then I realised it was a candle.As I moved towards it, a cobweb ended up in my face.I freaked out.

    I grabbed the candle and got a proper look around the mansion.Inside it wasn't actually that scary.People just told me rumours so I wouldn't go in.I thought I had seen enough so I eventually found the front door again and went out.

  34. The old mansion creaked in the wind. Lightning struck. The trees looked dead with no life. The thunder was so loud I couldn't hear the twigs snapping underneath me. The ground was soft and damp. Then I heard a scream.

  35. The lightning struck beyond the derelict, abandoned, devastating haunted house. As I stood glaring at the cruel, menacing, blood thirsty enchantment of horrors and even more horrors. I was petrified...for a moment I thought of turning around and leave my brother to slowly fade away. But I had too. I hoped there was at least a light bulb (that works), I was getting crepeed about the gloomy, eerie feel to the whole place. The darkness was making me feel weary.
    Gingerly, I approached the door. I stepped in. “I have a bad feeling about this, “I muttered. It was a whole lot worse from the inside than from the outside; cracked chandeliers, broken glass and astonishingly a rotted car. Luckily I caught sight of a switch, it looked as if there was green gooey stuff all over it, I wasn’t sure as I couldn’t make it out perfectly through the dark. I pressed it anyway. Just in case I rapidly took my finger off...
    Oh! No! There he was (a hologram of him) vines tangling all over him as he...”AHHHH,” a blood curdling, ear piercing scream made me temporarily deaf. I dashed to the garden hoping I could make it in time. I knew I could. Just like I thought there were gargoyles and immense statues enhancing the dreadful sight. There my brother stood. NOT ANYMORE!
