Friday 15 January 2016

Mr Lovelock's Literacy Group Homework 15/01/16

Image result for limericks

Find out what a Limerick is and what the rules are for writing them.

Write a limerick about school and post it on this blog.


  1. What is a Limerick?
    A limerick, is a funny five-line poem that rhymes.

    What are the rules to writing a limerick?
    The first, second and fifth line must have 7-10 syllables while rhyming. Whilst the third and forth line, have 5-7 syllables and must rhyme.

    The student Kyle

    I went to school with a smile
    But I had to sit next to young Kyle
    He picked his big noes
    And sucked his small toes!
    But I did was just smile.

  2. A Limerick consists of five lines.

    The first line of a limerick poem usually begins with 'There was a....' and ends with a name, person or place.

    An example of a Limerick Poem by famous poet Edward Lear

    'There was an old man with a beard
    Who said, 'It is just as I feared,
    Two owls and a hen
    A lark and a wren
    Have all built their nests in my beard!'

    The last line of a limerick is normally a little unusual.
    A limerick should have a rhyme scheme of aabba:

    This means lines 1,2 and 5 rhyme and lines 3 and 4 rhyme.

    Also, lines 1,2 and 5 should have 7 – 10 syllables and lines 3 and 4 should have 5 – 7 syllables

  3. There was once a very old school
    Who used to be very good at pool
    Five balls and a cane
    Seven clouds and rain
    Fell down on Chatsworth school, who were playing pool.
    I did slightly defy the rules of poetry because the last line had eleven syllables rather than ten.

  4. A limerick is a humorous poem containing 5 lines, the first second and fifth line need to have 7-10 syllables while rhyming and having the same verbal rhythm. The third and fourth line have to have five to seven syllables and have to rhyme with each other they also have to follow the same rhythm.

    working working hard hard working
    working working hard hard working
    pens pencils rulers rubbers
    pens pencils rulers rubbers
    working working hard hard working

  5. The students raced through the door. Billy fled away as he watched them swore. The bullies chased him through the corridor. Like a wolf pack hunting a stolen boar.

    However, Billy was clever and watched them jaw, as they broke through the headmaster's corridor. The principal slammed the door behind his back, staring at the bullies, waiting for their last attack.

    The headteacher shouted with all his might, and as for the bullies, they were never seen or weren't ever in sight.

  6. A humorous five-line poem with a rhyme scheme.The last word on first,second and fifth line must be the same and have seven to ten syllables.Also, the last word on the fourth and fifth line must rhyme.

    In the school we have ghouls
    They are ghastly,they are the ghouls
    And of course you know that they are children
    They live in a place full of milden
    Do you want to join these ghouls?
    they live in a place that mildens

  7. A limerick is a humorous poem consisting of five lines that have a strong beat. The first, second and fifth lines must have seven to ten syllables while rhyming and having the same verbal rhythm. The third and fourth lines have five to seven syllables. Many limericks often start with “There was a...” and ends with someone’s name, a person, a place or a thing. This is my limerick about school:

    There are many pretty chairs
    They also come in fifteen pairs
    Chairs come in red and blue
    Often they bite too
    That’s why children detest sitting on chairs!

  8. A limerick is a funny poem consisting of five lines. Lines 1,3,4 and 6 have 5 syllables and lines two and five each have seven syllables.

    There was a classroom
    where the children worked until noon
    the teachers were late
    and they called you mate
    but when it came to working
    there was no smirking.

  9. A limerick is often a funny poem with a strong beat. Limericks are very light hearted poems and can sometimes be utter nonsense. They are great for kids to both read and write as they are short and funny.

    The Structure of a Limerick Poem

    A Limerick consists of five lines.

     The first line of a limerick poem usually begins with 'There was a....' and ends with a name, person or place.

     The last line of a limerick is normally a little farfetched or unusual.

     A limerick should have a rhyme scheme of aabba:

     This means lines 1,2 and 5 rhyme and lines 3 and 4 rhyme.

     Also, lines 1,2 and 5 should have 7 – 10 syllables and lines 3 and 4 should have 5 – 7 syllables.

    Ther was a fork, that lived on a pork.
    That pork lived on a shelf, like a little pink pork.
    Then the time came, to get some fame.
    The fork dug in, as he knew it was a sin...

    The End.

    1. Really nice poem, but the second line is:
      That pork lived on a shelf, like a little, brown elf.

  10. A limerick is a silly poem with five lines. They are often funny or nonsensical. Limericks were made famous by Edward Lear, a famous author who wrote the "Book of Nonsense" in the 1800's. This was an entire book of silly limericks.

    How to write a limerick:

    The first, second and fifth lines rhyme with each other and have the same number of syllables (typically 8 or 9).
    The third and fourth lines rhyme with each other and have the same number of syllables (typically 5 or 6)
    Limericks often start with the line "There once was a..." or "There was a..."


    There once was a wonderful star
    Who thought he would go very far
    Until she fell down
    And looked like a clown
    he knew she would never go far.

  11. There was a small flower from Rye
    Whom wished she could go to the sky
    She could also wish
    as well as a fish
    And suddenly flew way up high!

  12. My limerick isn't exactly funny - well not at all actually.

    Her eyes were the green fields;
    his were a hating shield.
    Lusting over love,
    her home is a cove.
    Many emotions were yield.

  13. A limerick is a short funny poem. Lines 1 2 5 all rhyme and have 7-10 syllables lines 3 4 rhyme and have 5-7 syllables.

    A school is good for nothing
    At school you do not learn anything
    School is a waste of time
    All you learn is how to rhyme
    At school you should learn everything.

  14. In history class I was bored
    who cares about Huns and their hoard?
    Give me pirates and ships
    lashing convicts with whips
    and sticking a guy with a sword!

  15. A limerick is a poem with five lines.The 1st,2nd and 5th lines have 7-10 syllables.The 3rd and 4th lines have 5-7 syllables.

    The cat and the elephant ran,
    but one had forgotten their nan.
    The cat had stopped,
    and the elephant stomped.
    Then they hurried back home.

  16. A limerick is a funny poem which has 5 lines. Lines 1,2 and 5 should have 7–10 syllables and lines 3 and 4 should have 5–7 syllables.

    The Science teacher was sad,
    experiments sometimes went bad,
    but this one was cruel,
    it burned down the school,
    and now the Department was mad!

    1. This is a really good Limerick Deesha!

    2. I agree with Abigail, well done Deesha.

  17. A limerick has five lines. Lines 1,2 and 5 rhyme and have 7-10 syllables. Lines 3 and 4 also rhyme but have 5-7 syllables.

    My limerick:
    Homework,homework is really boring.
    Homework,homework is really boring.
    I get it every week.
    I get it every week.
    Homework,homework is really boring.

  18. Lunch time!
    It was finally lunch time.
    And I fancied a yummy pie.
    After lunch I played outside.
    Without noticing the time.
    And that was my boring lunch time.

  19. Limerick

    A limerick is a humorous 5 lined poem.
    1st, 2nd, 5th: 7-10 syllables and rhyme
    3rd, 4th: 5-7 syllables and rhyme

    My limerick:

    Two boys woke up very late at night,
    got out of bed and started a fight,
    Drew their swords and began to battle,
    woke the sheep, chicken and cattle,
    the farm animal had quite a bite!

  20. A limerick is a funny poem with five lines. The lines 1,2 and 5 rhyme when 3 and 4 rhyme on their sevles.

    School is so boring
    Children are snoring
    They hate school
    They could be in a pool
    school is worse than foraging

  21. Limerick

    A limerick is a humorous 5 lined poem.
    1st, 2nd, 5th: 7-10 syllables and rhyme
    3rd, 4th: 5-7 syllables and rhyme

    My limerick:

    Two boys woke up very late at night,
    got out of bed and started a fight,
    Drew their swords and began to battle,
    woke the sheep, chicken and cattle,
    the farm animal had quite a bite!

  22. A limerick is a funny poem with five lines. Lines one, two and five rhyme and have seven to five syllables. Lines three and four must also rhyme but they only have five to ten syllables.

    There was once a tide of teachers!
    In that time never died!
    Dust always settled!
    Bust and dismantled!
    The tide broke our slide!

  23. I did not do my homework,
    In doing this my teacher went bezurck,
    I am annoyed with myself,
    I could destroy myself,
    I have been acting like a jerk.

  24. A limerick is a poem that has 5 lines and is usually funny.
    The 1st, 2nd and 5th lines must rhyme and the 3rd and 4th should rhyme.

    My limerick: School
    School is boring,
    It makes me start yawning.
    Homework every week?!
    I get sleepy, tired and weak!
    I hate school,it's so boring!

  25. A lymeric is a funny poem with 5 symbols and 5 lines.
    In class i was really board,
    we were learning about slugs and snails,
    infact my lesson was a slug!
    It was going so slowly...
    right then i found my teacher was one!

  26. A limerick is a humorous poem that is made up of 5 rhyming lines. It also contains a maximum of 41 syllables.

    Once, there was a very sad daddy,
    Whose game of golf was going quite badly,
    He looked left and then right,
    But his ball was nowhere in sight,
    Then he learnt to never trust Motocaddy.

  27. A limerick is a funny poem which consists of five lines.

    Rules of writing a limerick:

    Lines 1,2 & 5 rhyme and lines 3 & 4 rhyme. 1,2 & 5 should have 5-7 syllables and 3 & 4 should only have 5-10 syllables.

    Homework why do you exist!
    Even my dog can't simply resist!
    He gobbles it up like a hungry beast!
    In fact he has it for his feast!
    Homework why do you exist!

  28. My mum wrote a long letter.
    To my teacher Miss Geeta
    The reason is that
    I have to leave for
    A lesson with Miss Neeta.


  29. a limerick is a humorous poem with 5 lines lines 1,2,5 have 7-10 syllables and usually rhyme. lines 3 and 4 5-7 syllables and rhyme.

    I hate homework

    Mention homework and you’ll be squashed by a lorry
    Mention homework and you'll be sorry
    Better run before they come
    Better run to your home
    At least you'll live for a few more minutes...R.I.P

  30. A limerick is a poem which has five lines. Lines one, two and five rhyme and have seven to ten syllables. Lines three and four must have five to seven syllables and must rhyme.

    There once was a wonderful star
    Who thought she would go very far
    Until she fell down
    And looked like a clown
    She knew she would never go far.

  31. A limerick is a five lined poem. One, two and five rhyme and they should have five to seven syllables. The lines three and four rhyme too but instead they have five to ten syllables.

  32. A Limerick is a humorous poem that consists of five lines. Lines one,two and five rhyme and lines three and four also rhyme. Here is an example of one:

    Once there was a spoon,
    Who lived on the moon,
    He had one wish,
    To be served with a dish,
    And he wanted to do it soon!

    1. Your limerick is very humorous.

  33. Limerick, Limerick, Limerick
    Shimmering, Shimmering, Shimmering
    Bunsen's are burning
    While children are learning
    'No homework? You're such a Gimmerick!'

  34. There was once a flower from Rye,
    Who wished she could go to the sky,
    she could also wish,
    as well as a fish,
    so she suddenly flew way up high!
